Answers to the Exercises for Nine and One Make Ten

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  1. 1/e Once upon a time, nine hyena brothers hunted with a lion. They caught ten fat cows.
  2. 2/d "Yes, my lord," they said to the lion. "You can have nine cows, and we will have one." Then they went home to their father.
  3. 3/h "You caught ten cows, and you gave nine to the lion? That's not right."
  4. 4/a "The nine cows are yours," he said. "The lion will listen to me."
  5. 5/g "That is not a hill, Father," said his sons. "That is the lion."
  6. 6/f "That is not grass," his sons said. "That is the lion's mane."
  7. 7/b "Those are not balls of fire," said his sons. "Those are the lion's eyes."
  8. 8/c "Here is the tenth cow. My foolish sons took it and brought it home, but it belongs to you."


B. Who is speaking?


  1. "And there are ten cows. So I will have nine, and you can have one."
    The lion
  2. "Give me your cow. I will take it to the lion.
    The hyenas' father
  3. "You don't know the lion. He's very big, and very strong."
    The hyena brothers
  4. "Look at the long, yellow grass in front of us."
    The hyenas' father
  5. "Give me the cow."
    The hyenas' father
  6. "The lion is too strong for us."
    The hyenas