Answers to the Exercises for Nine and One Make Ten
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- 1/e Once upon a time, nine hyena brothers hunted with a lion. They caught ten fat cows.
- 2/d "Yes, my lord," they said to the lion. "You can have nine cows, and we will have one." Then they went home to their father.
- 3/h "You caught ten cows, and you gave nine to the lion? That's not right."
- 4/a "The nine cows are yours," he said. "The lion will listen to me."
- 5/g "That is not a hill, Father," said his sons. "That is the lion."
- 6/f "That is not grass," his sons said. "That is the lion's mane."
- 7/b "Those are not balls of fire," said his sons. "Those are the lion's eyes."
- 8/c "Here is the tenth cow. My foolish sons took it and brought it home, but it belongs to you."
B. Who is speaking?
- "And there are ten cows. So I will have nine, and you can have one."
The lion - "Give me your cow. I will take it to the lion.
The hyenas' father - "You don't know the lion. He's very big, and very strong."
The hyena brothers - "Look at the long, yellow grass in front of us."
The hyenas' father - "Give me the cow."
The hyenas' father - "The lion is too strong for us."
The hyenas